P2: Profitability and More
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P2: Profitability and More
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Tara Kuipers, the coordinator for the NBDA’s P2 Groups, is joined by Tim Krone, owner of Pedal Bicycle in Michigan and current NBDA Board Member, to talk about the P2 Program and Tim’s experience as a member of a P2 Group. P2: The Profitability Project brings together non-competing retailers to share data, successes, tips, and secrets to building and maintaining bicycle retailer profitability. Members gain access to critical support that would be far costlier through individual consulting. Listen in for insight into the program and some tips that Tim has learned along the way.
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P2: Profitability and More
Thu, 12/10 11:27AM • 37:06
group, store, bikes, bike shop, people, talk, bit, shop, good, pretty, thought, tim, members, visit, bicycle, little bit, NBDA, pedal, santiago, business
Chad Pickard, Rachelle Schouten, Tara Kuipers, Tim Krone, Rod Judd
Rachelle Schouten 00:03
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Rod Judd 00:27
You are listening to bicycle retail radio, brought to you by the National bicycle Dealers Association.
Tara Kuipers 00:34
Hey, this is Tara Kuipers. And I am the coordinator for the NBDA P2 groups and I am here today talking with Tim Krone of pedal bicycle in Michigan. Hey, Tim.
Tim Krone 00:45
Tara Kuipers 00:46
Hello. So Tim, we are here today to talk a bit about the P2 groups. We’re going to start this off with a quiz. What do the two P stands for in P2.
Tim Krone 00:56
The first one is profitability. The second one is Project
Tara Kuipers 01:01
100%. On this first quiz, there will be another one at the end just to warn you. But thank you, you’ve covered that one. You aced it. Tim, we’re here to talk today about the P2 groups a little bit more in addition to knowing what the two p’s stand for, I would love to first know just a little bit about your experience and your personal history with the P2 groups as an owner of pedal bikes in Kalamazoo.
Tim Krone 01:27
Okay, so I started my bike shop almost 10 years ago, at the ripe old age of something like 46 years old, didn’t really know anything. second career, first career was not in retail or anything like that. So I started it with a guy, and we’re doing it, you know, and it started to work like, Oh my god, we’re doing it. It’s working. It’s working. So I was maybe in my third year of owning the shop, and I got put in touch with the P2 program. I’d asked somebody I said, Look, you know, I don’t know if I’m doing it. Right. Right. I’m doing it. But I don’t know if I’m doing it right. I’d be super interested to know what doing it right looks like how can I What can I compare myself to? And they said, Oh, yeah, you got to talk to these people. You got to get in a P2 program. And I said, Alright, I’ll do it. I’ll do it.
Tara Kuipers 02:14
They twisted your arm pretty hard. It sounds
Tim Krone 02:17
it wasn’t a hard sell. But it was just like, I didn’t really know what I was getting into. Right? Because I don’t know if everybody can identify to this. But like, I just ran my business on cash. Right? I remember that. Larry was this guy who ran credit for jamis. And you call up? Damn, I need some money. That’s okay. Larry, how much money do I need? $7,000. Okay, okay, I’ll put a check in the mail today. You know, my systems were just non existent. All we’re doing is trying to make people smile. And it’s just so I get into this thing. They said, Okay, well, your chart of account companies look like this. And here’s your key things you’re going to measure. And this is all your stuff you do. and I were talking on the phone with somebody, and I’ve got a folding chair as my desk chair. And I’m just like, Oh, my God, this is going to be a process. This is going to take me a minute to kind of catch up. And it did. But it was it was good. I think a lot about systems and processes. And my entry into P2 kinda is the basis for all them.
Tara Kuipers 03:20
Nice. So it sounds like it really gave you some of those structures and processes in addition to just some of the the connection with other folks. So you have been in P2 now for four years.
Tim Krone 03:33
Oh, seven or eight?
Tara Kuipers 03:34
Oh, okay. So that was 10 years ago, you started your business about three years into that you joined your P2 group. So you’ve been in this P2 group now for seven or eight years. Talk a little bit about just the the construction of this group, the membership of your P2 group. I know it’s evolved over time, I’ve been familiar with the group over just the last five or six months or so. But talk a little bit about how the group has evolved in the seven or eight years that you’ve been a part of it,
Tim Krone 04:03
or group has been pretty consistent. Actually, we’ve added a few people we’ve had a couple of people gone away. But the I mean, most of us are well, more than 50% of us are still around from the people I met at our first meeting. It was great. It was a lot like that conversation I had earlier, we had some people talking about how you choose your product assortment, and they’re talking about merch, this segment and that segment and everything as Oh my god, this is really aspirational for me.
Tara Kuipers 04:33
Nice. So your group has evolved a little bit but more or less, you’ve had some long standing history with some of these folks in this group.
Tim Krone 04:41
Yeah, there are a few of us that joined pretty close to the same time. So Jamie Bryan, with Beck, the guys at bow cycle. And john at cycle Alaska, like the five of us came on in very short order, very, very close together.
Tara Kuipers 04:58
And just as a little side note, when we Talk about the p2 group that you’re part of you’re in group one, which does not necessarily indicate first place, just the first group to a form, did you? I don’t know, if anybody’s broken that needs to you at all, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re winning. But you We know you’re winning. So we’ll just, we’ll just like that. Okay. But P2, group one, we have three groups, you’re a member of group one. And group one, I think is the one of the only ones that has some international flair. So we have an interesting mix of members in group one. You mentioned both cycle which is up in Alaska.
Tim Krone 05:36
Tara Kuipers 05:37
Sorry, Canada. I’m sorry, john shop cycle. Alaska is up in Juneau. And then you also have South American star. Can you just talk a little bit about the mixture that you guys have in group one?
Tim Krone 05:48
Right. So Oh, cycle is the I think I can say this stuff, right? Oh cycles, the biggest bike shop in Canada. Those guys are incredible. John’s place in Juneau, Geno’s, a town of 30,000. People, I think his shop is neat. And Juneau is really something. And then rodrygo and Catalina work for Oxford, in Chile, based in Santiago. So right as the right as the COVID thing was starting to happen. We all flew down to Santiago, and hung out for a couple of days in meetings, then a few more days just hanging out together. And those guys have quite an operation. Oxford is is something else. So yeah, it’s great. It’s great. There is so much to learn from these guys. It’s fabulous.
Tara Kuipers 06:35
So you just mentioned right before COVID hit you guys were in Santiago, Chile at Oxford bikes, having a store visit and when you talk about that, that being all together in Santiago, that’s one pretty key component of the P2 groups is having twice a year in person visits to stores now we know in person is a little different this year, that’s not happening this fall because of COVID. But that’s one of the key pieces of P2 groups is having that opportunity to go to each other stores. Can you talk about maybe some of your highlights or experiences with those in person, get everybody together at some of these shop, just want some of those experiences that have been like for you.
Tim Krone 07:19
So my first meeting was in Portland, Maine, and we went to Jamie writes shop, Gorham bike and ski. So you’re in Portland, we lobster, we go to Jamie’s store, and it’s beautiful, just beautiful. And you’re supposed to provide some critique of the store. And I remember I’m walking through that store and thinking these guys are never coming to Kalamazoo ever.
Tara Kuipers 07:46
You’re gonna quietly drop out of writing, I
Tim Krone 07:49
certainly get backed into a corner, I’m gonna fake my death or something. But it was it was so funny because everybody was that they were just getting after Jamie about this and that and they say, Tim, what it is? Nothing. Nothing. I’m a new guy. Nothing but envy. That’s all I’ve got.
Tara Kuipers 08:06
so freaked out a little bit. It sounds like getting that prospect of people that supplied was that tell a little bit about like, what happens in those store visits that caused you to want to never have the experience. But then I do believe you’ve had the experience. So what about that made it such a critical moment where you you had a little bit of a an urge to go into hiding the witness protection program and never come back. Now what what about that happen?
Tim Krone 08:32
So I think everybody brings something to their shop. Right? And so one of the guys I work with is a fabulous salesperson. I mean, he’s a beautiful person, but he’s a good salesperson, right? And I am super interested in this idea of happiness, right? So I think about somebody leaves, I would like them to leave happier than they came in. That’s what we thought about. We honestly didn’t think a whole lot about merchandising, we didn’t think about color. We didn’t think about the way the ceiling tiles looked. We’re just focused on our own stuff. And so that was a real eye opener. For me, I was like, Well, if we’re gonna do this, right, we’re not gonna be able to do it by the middle of next week, right? This is gonna take years to gin up the capital to do everything we need to do. It was amazing. I mean, if you’re really gonna do it, there’s a lot more to it than what we were doing.
Tara Kuipers 09:31
It gave you a whole new set of eyes to look at your store with it sounds like
Tim Krone 09:36
whether you like it or not.
Tara Kuipers 09:39
And then some discomfort but like most good learning experiences, that requires a little bit of discomfort. So
Tim Krone 09:46
yeah, yeah, I mean, it’s safe to say that I was pretty cowed is maybe the right word. I thought, Man, I’m not playing the same game. These guys are playing. I’m doing something man. I like what I’m doing, but it’s not what these guys are doing. And maybe I need to think about that
Tara Kuipers 10:01
Interesting, what a great. So that was your very first store visit to Maine to the bike shop where you were looking around asking to not get called on because you didn’t want to provide it was sort of that eye opener. The Fast forward to a more recent experience, talk a little bit about what your experience has been like in some of the more recent store visits that you may have been part of what have those felt like now that you’ve had some years under your belt?
Tim Krone 10:27
Now that I’ve got some years under my belt, I can provide some constructive criticism, I think I also mean, everybody gets it, right. If you could do everything, and it was easy, then you got to make some choices. So yeah, the store visits, I find them much more interesting. But I would say that for every piece of constructive criticism that I can give, I’m probably taken two things home, this is something those guys did way better than we’re doing. Or this is maybe through the store, maybe this is a product we need to check out. Maybe this is something we need to do for our employees because I was super impressed by the employees of the during the store visit. Okay.
Tara Kuipers 11:13
So in addition to really looking at the physical store, the ceiling tiles and the merchandising, you’re also digging deeper into each other’s businesses as well. You talk about kind of understanding their employees understanding some of their processes. So So how does that come out? You can walk into someone’s store and see their ceiling tiles or see their merchandising. But what other things are you digging into to get to those kinds of insights for their store as well as for your store? How does that work?
Tim Krone 11:39
I think when I come to this building every day, there’s a lot of stuff that I don’t see. Right? I’m just so used to it, for instance, this Tableau behind me, I don’t really see that right. But I’m sorry, you have to. So when somebody else comes in the store, they can just see that. Why is your office a rolling disaster? Well, you know, I’ve got some good reasons for that. But maybe it’s not my office. Why haven’t you done this? And I think those are valid questions. Why haven’t you done this? Well, maybe you’ve taken the 5000 bucks it would take to do that. And you made a conscious decision to do something else with it. These are great conversations,
Tara Kuipers 12:17
right? So learn people’s priorities, learn how other people put their priorities and action in their stores.
Tim Krone 12:24
Tara Kuipers 12:25
So we’ve talked a little bit about those store visits. Has P2 group one had the privilege of visiting pedal bikes in Kalamazoo, Michigan?
Tim Krone 12:37
Yes, so, yes. So we visited both stores. And the first night we got there, my downtown shop, abuts an automotive Body Shop, and the bathrooms are in the body shop. Okay, if a client says Can I use the bathroom, we usually say how bad do you need to go. And then then we take them through the body shop, and to the bathroom and all that.
Tara Kuipers 13:03
And that’s real customer service right there to really get really get personal with your client. The limit.
Tim Krone 13:08
Really good person though. So my buddy Rick, everybody came in the first night. They’re in town. I don’t know how but we’re in the body shop, drinking beer and doing everything. And my buddy Rick said, Hey, Where’s the bathroom? And I said, it’s right over here. And I said, And incidentally, I believe this bathroom cost me America’s best bike shop one year. Yeah, I can see that. Oh, yeah, we spent a fortune redoing the bathroom.
Tara Kuipers 13:43
So that was a that was that was one way to start the P2 group. One visit to pedal bikes was to get a really deep dive in.
Tim Krone 13:54
Yeah, so that was super funny. Then the next night, we came to the other store, and everybody hung out and you know, looked around, met, the staff did all the stuff. It was really good. I’m in a building. That’s been a bike shop for 25 years now. It’s a little bit of a ramshackle thing. But so everybody had some ideas about what I could do to it and do with it and all that and I got a bunch of great stuff out of it. It was it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. But I put it off for four years I think
Tara Kuipers 14:28
you avoided avoided Yeah.
Tim Krone 14:30
What do you think we should go for next meeting Alaska,
Tara Kuipers 14:32
somewhere else?
Tim Krone 14:33
Not me, Alaska.
Tara Kuipers 14:36
Do you think that that is shared by other people in the P2 groups? Do you think other people are avoiding the store visit as much as you did?
Tim Krone 14:46
Certainly not as effectively.
Tara Kuipers 14:49
They’re just not as good at it.
Tim Krone 14:52
You know, these guys are good. And I say guys, it’s guys and gals, men and women. They’re good and I am fortunate to have the opportunity to see how these guys do their thing. So yeah, I don’t think any of them get as worked up about it as I do.
Tara Kuipers 15:08
So, the store visits are a big chunk of P2. But there’s other ways that the P2 groups stay in communication and provide the kinds of things you’re talking about the support the insight, just being a resource for each other. So what are some other ways that P2 groups are communicating and just keeping each other top of mind as resources as fellow group members?
Tim Krone 15:33
I hear that some of the groups use a tool known as email to communicate with each other. And I think that sounds No, it’s great. We email each other text call. I mean, I dare say we’re friends, right? And it’s nice friends who will tell you you’re messing up, or maybe really good friends.
Tara Kuipers 15:52
So the best kind of friends
Tim Krone 15:55
when you’re ready to receive that information, and it is. No, it’s good. There’s my group, we’ve talked about this group one is not exactly prolific in non meeting communication. That’s okay. I know who to talk to, I know how to dial a phone, it works, right?
Tara Kuipers 16:15
Yes, some of the P2 groups are a lot more, they’re utilized the email groups a little bit more, and you’ll see a lot more communication coming through. But dare we say group one maybe is less communicative, but you still got the goods, you still know where you can go for the great information and and rely on each other in those ways?
Tim Krone 16:33
Tara Kuipers 16:34
Awesome. So I know that one of the other pieces of P2 is the data sharing that you guys get to dive into together. So tell us a little bit about what that’s like. And I’ll just say, you know, sometimes when I’ve talked to prospective or potential p to members who are interested in P2, they sometimes say, How much do you share with each other? So Tim, when you think about data, sharing and sharing information, and your metrics with other stores in your group, how much do you share with each other?
Tim Krone 17:11
Full Monty?
Tara Kuipers 17:14
thanks for that.
Tim Krone 17:18
So you don’t share your raw numbers, like my gross sales. We don’t talk about that, right. But we will talk about bikes as a percent of overall sales. So the numbers are broken into ratios that are comparable. If you tried to compare pedal to both cycle, it kind of didn’t work if we’re looking at hard numbers. But if we look at ratios, that works pretty good. So maybe labor as a percent of sales. That’s an interesting number, I think, payroll as a percent of sales. That’s an interesting number. So those are the kinds of things we look at. I think there is a lot to figure out when you look at the number, right? Okay, there’s this is your number. Where does it fit in the hierarchy of all numbers of all members? And why? Right? Why is it there? Is it there, because that’s where you want it to be, and want it to be might not be like, I might not think, well, I want my payroll as a percent of sales to be 22%. I might not think that, but I might not feel like my market allows me to lay people off in the winter, and then be able to staff up again for the summer. So I have to eat that. So that makes my labor as a percent of sales higher. Maybe it’s not that maybe it’s because my constitution doesn’t allow me to lay people off, well, then I have to be ready to eat that 2%, or whatever it is, right. So that to me, is a lot of the value in these numbers is really, I’d love the opportunity to reflect on what we’re actually doing instead of just doing it, right. And I think a lot of this stuff does give you that.
Tara Kuipers 19:06
It gives you the opportunity to reflect on the numbers, but reflect on them in comparison with other existing retailers. So you can see what you’re doing. You can use those metrics to see what you’re doing at peddle, but also how what you’re doing compares and contrast to some of the other top retailers playing the game.
Tim Krone 19:24
Right. Right. What I think I found out is everybody has an advantage. They might not call it their advantage. But somebody’s got something that they do really well. And the question is, is it something that you’re capable of doing in your market?
Tara Kuipers 19:45
Yeah, it explains your unique position. And it also sounds like with those metrics, the opportunity to look at where you are. And there is even though there’s stories of varying sizes and varying locales, there is even though it’s still is in some ways apples to oranges, you guys make it a lot closer to Apples to Apples because of the way that you break things down and look at percentages and look at that whole picture. Pretty cool
Tim Krone 20:10
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I think so I like it.
Tara Kuipers 20:13
Nice. So we’ve been talking about some of the investments that you make in P2, right? You travel the stores and give them that critical eye, give that store your time and attention to really support their improvement. You have email exchanges and or phone calls, you’re called on to give advice or give help to other members of the group when they need it. Or maybe when they they don’t know they need it. But you’re offering to invest your own expertise, your own time into other stores, you are asked to invest data and put your numbers out there for other people to look at and use that to compare and contrast their own position in the group. That’s a lot of time that you put in, that’s a lot of energy you put in that’s a lot of costs you put in, does it feel like a big investment, like talk a little bit about your inputs? And what that feels like? Does it feel like a big investment to be part of a P2 group?
Tim Krone 21:12
Sometimes, you know, some?
Tara Kuipers 21:16
Yeah, it does.
Tim Krone 21:17
But I think everything feels like that sometimes. Right? Everything worth doing some days, you don’t want to go out and do your intervals, not into it today. But to get
Tara Kuipers 21:27
right. Would you say the return is worth it?
Tim Krone 21:31
Well, obviously, I think it is, I do think it is and it’s it’s not in looking at the KPIs. It’s not going to the stores. It is to me, it’s the relationships that you build over time. I know who to call when I’ve got an idea that will really give me somebody that will really tell me what’s going on. Or maybe they’ve done it. And when they do it again, you know, that’s you can make a lotta $3,000 mistakes in a day.
Tara Kuipers 22:00
In an average day.
Chad Pickard 22:05
Bicycle retail radio is supported by our NBDA members. All our member benefits can be found at NBDA.com. Join the NBDA today.
Tara Kuipers 22:18
Are there some things maybe really tangible or concrete things that you can think of in your store? Or in your business that came directly from a P2 groups conversation or maybe a fellow members advice or wise counsel? What are some things that you can point to in your store and say this was a result of something that I gained from P2.
Tim Krone 22:43
So I think one thing that that I can actually credit to somebody is the idea of focused demo bikes. So you have the opportunity to buy some demo bikes and Yo, some reps say, Yeah, I get your demo bikes, maybe you want to try something you don’t usually have or bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. And one of my buddies said, Oh, yeah, so this is what we’re doing with our demo bikes, where they’re focused in this area. This is how we’re going to use them. And this is how we’re going to, we’re going to gain some market share. We’re going to do some stuff. And I thought, Oh, my gosh, all this time. We’ve been frittering around with demos, we could actually do something with some intentionality with those things. That would be Wow, that’d be pretty good.
Tara Kuipers 23:31
See you you’ve revamped that part of your business based on absolutely some advice, some wise P2 fellow members to give you that insight. Very cool.
Tim Krone 23:41
Yeah, are used bike program. Everybody’s kind of doing used bikes, many people are doing used bikes, I was introduced to that through one of my two friends, and took us a while to figure out how it worked for us. But that’s where the idea came from. That was a good one.
Tara Kuipers 23:56
Nice. So you’ve got some really specific outcomes. So in addition to the wisdom and the counsel and the friendships and the relationships, the insight into other businesses, you’ve got some really practical, tangible things to make your business better.
Tim Krone 24:12
I mean, I do think it’s some of the best money I spend advertising. For me, advertising is very difficult. It feels like you’re just flushing money down the toilet. A lot of times, perhaps I’m not supposed to admit that. But But Peter has never felt like that. For me. It feels like I’m investing in what I’m doing in a pretty tangible way. And I make no mistake, I want something out of it. I’m not doing it just because I got nothing better to do. I expect to get some stuff out of it. And I hope that perhaps I can share something that that my friends might find useful.
Tara Kuipers 24:47
Nice. So if you were to be chatting with someone who’s on the fence, they’ve pondered, maybe joining the P2A group, they’ve heard about it. They’re they’re letting it become a possibility. What advice or what counsel? Would you give a an NBDA member that’s maybe considering P2
Mhmm. One of the things I would I would ask is probably the question that I was asking when I joined is what is good look like? Right? How do you know? Because a vendor is telling you what good looks like a book told you what good looks like And make no mistake, there are a few flavors of good out there, for sure. But I found that talking to other bike shop owners was a great way to find out what it looked like. Awesome.
Tara Kuipers 25:33
That’s great advice.
Tim Krone 25:34
Thank you.
Tara Kuipers 25:35
You’re welcome. So in addition to being Tim Krone, owner of pedal, Kalamazoo, Michigan, you are also an NBDA board member. And you are the chair the P2 committee
Tim Krone 25:52
Tara Kuipers 25:53
Did. Oh, sorry. Did you not get the memo?
Tim Krone 25:55
I do know that.
Tara Kuipers 25:56
Dang. Okay. I was hoping I wasn’t the first one to break it to you. You’ve got some work to do, my friend. If you didn’t realize that. In that esteemed role as the committee chair, can you talk a little bit about what’s going on at the board level? How are people thinking about P2 right now, in the NBDA, boardroom with a lot of transitions, a lot of exciting stuff going on within the organization, talk a little bit about P2, from that perspective, put that hat on, cover up that luscious head of hair, put that hat on, and talk a little bit about P2 from your board perspective.
Tim Krone 26:36
So if we think that the purpose of the NBDA is to make better, more profitable, independent bike dealers, if we say that our core, then I don’t think it’s manifested anywhere as well and thoroughly as it is through P2, right, so that that’s, maybe that’s the maybe P2 is the best we can do at this. So we’re very invested in that. It’s also a big ship to turn, if you can imagine 30, something pretty independent, strong willed people
Tara Kuipers 27:15
a lot like you, you mean,
Tim Krone 27:17
I’m a pussycat compared to a lot of these guys. It’s a big ship to turn and we have well in excess of 10 years of history, right? Maybe that doesn’t sound like a lot. But I mean, to the people who have been doing it for more than 10 years, it is a lot. Right? Change is hard for everybody. I don’t care what you say. It’s difficult. So we’re trying to figure out how to make it a better program.
Tara Kuipers 27:43
So can you reveal some of the things you’re working on? Or some of the ways that you’re, you’re striving to do that
Tim Krone 27:52
Can I talk about hiring you? I feel like that was wrong or something?
Tara Kuipers 27:56
I don’t know. Is that awkward?
Tim Krone 27:57
Not for me. All right,
Tara Kuipers 27:59
I’ll sit down. So
Tim Krone 28:00
we hired you That was good, better than good. That was great. We are working on the KPIs. I don’t know if we’ve talked about this. This was a project that started I think, started before I was on the board. Actually, it was a little bit more of a grassroots effort. But we’re trying to get more impactful data in the hands of our members. And I’ll be super honest, it’s a bigger, bigger than we thought it was going to be for sure. My previous career was in big software projects. And in software projects always have a problem. This big software problem has had a problem or two, but we’ll soldier through we’ll get this done. But I think that in the longer run, I think that’s going to be good. One of the things we’ve done again, this is more as the P2 committee, we’re trying to figure out things like funding, finances, stuff like that. A lot of the good ideas have come from the groups. When I first started P2, my peers knew me as number 104. Right? Who’s number 104. And if you felt like it, you could raise your hand. So we got rid of that everybody who’s in the groups has we’ve all signed nondisclosure agreements. So my data now says pedal doesn’t say 104 that’s made things way better. Right. Everybody’s everybody’s much more involved in their stuff. I think I’m pretty pleased about that. Very cool.
Tara Kuipers 29:26
So more transparency, more opportunities for that kind of data sharing are on the horizon. Yes. Any other things when you when you gaze into the crystal ball of P2, what other things do you hope or think are on the horizon for P2 groups in the future, or the P2 program overall?
Tim Krone 29:48
For the P2 program overall, yo. The P2 program has been pretty consistent. I think the administration of the program has been not as consistent as I might care for I’m hoping that we can, we can rectify that we can get this thing on a longer arc of consistency. I think that would be good. And then if we can do that, I think that’s gonna allow us to potentially add some more stuff to the program, perhaps. Right.
Tara Kuipers 30:21
So growing the quality of the program, hopefully continuing to appeal to more members. Awesome. Yes. Yes. So if you weren’t given a billboard for free to take out space to promote pee to write like the best plug that you could give to the P2 program, what would you say? What would you put on that billboard that you think everybody who hears about P2 should know?
Tim Krone 30:46
Maybe I’ve heard there’s a lot of stuff you haven’t thought of
Tara Kuipers 30:49
P2 will help you get there?
Tim Krone 30:50
I think so. To help me get there. Awesome.
Tara Kuipers 30:53
Very cool. Yeah,
Tim Krone 30:54
I’m pretty sure. I might have gotten to where I am doing what I’m doing. Without P2, I think it would have been a lot harder and a lot more expensive.
Tara Kuipers 31:04
Put you on the fast track, or the faster track
Tim Krone 31:07
faster. I’m not the fast track. I can’t do the height thing or whatever. I can’t I can’t get there faster.
Tara Kuipers 31:14
I can’t if you cannot ride that ride.
Tim Krone 31:16
But that ride is verboten. Yeah.
Tara Kuipers 31:19
But it’s gotten you a way to get to the point where you are a little bit quicker, maybe with a few fewer pain points along the way.
Tim Krone 31:30
I think so. Yeah. Yeah. You know, I mean, when we, you know, when the COVID rolled in, and everything. And that was pretty spooky, I think for everybody. And in in our state, we got shut down for a month. And I was very grateful to have a couple of friends that I could call and say, Okay, well, I’ve been doing this all this long. Alright, so I started my shop after the Great Recession, right. So I didn’t have to live through that. And so I’m calling some of these guys and saying, okay, I’d like to know what I need to be thinking about if the shoot hits the fan. Right? What do I need to be thinking about? Right? And that was that was worth something?
Tara Kuipers 32:13
Gosh, yeah. I can just say, from my vantage point of being able to glimpse into the three P2 groups and kind of see it hear what people are talking about and sharing on some level. There were conversations happening, everything from Oh, my gosh, we have to put a sign in our window to say we’re closed. How do we word that? So we’re not going to put people off to the very practical tactile kinds of things like signs in the door, or messaging for social media, all the way up to how do I rethink my entire business model based on the inventory challenges? I’m going to have I mean, everything from COVID related questions that were very immediate near term and have a bite sized topics, to the big rhetorical questions that may never get answered. But people are talking about them. And so it’s been really interesting to see that whole scope of things getting brought to the light in the various P2 groups. It’s been pretty cool to see and sounds like you’ve been getting that exact same kind of experience.
Tim Krone 33:15
Yeah, for sure.
Tara Kuipers 33:16
Nice. Okay. Hey, and by the way, it’s the TK and TK show, Tim, that’s right. Piper’s just to there should be some branding here that we get really focused in on.
Tim Krone 33:27
I’m gonna burn us up a logo this afternoon,
Tara Kuipers 33:30
would you? Would you please? Thank you. I’d like that for my T shirt. Yeah. What else that we have not talked about in this far ranging and very pleasant conversation. What else have we not talked about yet? That you think anyone that might have just stumbled across this podcast? looking for the best way to spend some time and suddenly they’re learning about P2? What do you think we haven’t said yet? That they must know before they move on to something else? That’s not going to be nearly as fun but something else what? What do we need to cram it here yet that you want to make sure people know about P2?
Tim Krone 34:12
Let’s see. We’ve talked about the exotic locations.
Tara Kuipers 34:15
Yeah, check.
Tim Krone 34:17
Right talked about good friends.
Tara Kuipers 34:20
great friends and relationships.
Tim Krone 34:22
Talked about valuable data. That’s nice.
Tara Kuipers 34:25
sharing those KPIs?
Tim Krone 34:27
Yes. Yes. Yeah. Great. Good ideas.
Tara Kuipers 34:31
Talk about that. Great ideas. Hot sometimes hard conversations, critical feedback that can be squirmy and uncomfortable, but fantastic nonetheless.
Tim Krone 34:40
Yes. And then there’s the grooming tips. And I think that’s it.
Tara Kuipers 34:45
Great. So if you want to get any of those exceP2ional benefits, as well as to be able to have the fashion and style flair of Tim Crone. It sounds like P2 is the right place for you.
Tim Krone 34:57
I think that you got to edit that shit. Right? That’s that’s my
Tara Kuipers 35:01
that’s Stan. Man.
Tim Krone 35:03
That’s when the window closed right there
Tara Kuipers 35:06
over my dead body. All right, is that good? Anything else we need to get in here?
Tim Krone 35:12
I can’t think of it. There is the stuff that people will tell you. And then there’s the stuff that you will just learn by looking at this stuff. And that has some real value to I think there is an element of self discovery in life right and owning a bike shops part of it for many of us, and just having to look at this stuff occasionally matters.
Tara Kuipers 35:42
To everyone that is pondered P2, maybe you’ve you’ve been curious about it, maybe you’ve never heard of it before. But even for the folks that are in a P2 group, we hope these are the kinds of things you can be thinking of and walking away for, for your own benefit, as well as for the benefit of ibds everywhere. Having a strong healthy channel is important. And I think these two groups are one awesome way to do it. So Jim, thank you so much for sharing your experience talking about the incredible journey that you’ve been on, of which P2 has been an integral part.
Tim Krone 36:19
Well, it’s my pleasure. Thank you.
Tara Kuipers 36:21
Excellent. Thanks. And to everyone listening, please let us know if you have questions about P2. We would love to have Tim share with you even more.
Tim Krone 36:30
Or you can get in touch with me at brandy brandee@nba.com
Tara Kuipers 36:37
she will thank you forever. Awesome.
Rod Judd 36:41
This has been bicycle retail radio by the National bicycle Dealers Association. For more information on membership, and member benefits, join us@NBDA.com
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