Marsh & McLennan Agency – Bicycle Industry Insurance

Marsh & McLennan

Providing unique Protection for Your Unique Risks

With MMA’s bicycle industry insurance and risk services, you’ll find the peace of mind that comes with coverage that is uniquely tailored to your risks. Led by Scott Chapin, an agent who knows the bicycling world and business and has the backing of the leading insurance brokerage in the world.

Greater Liability Protection 

We work directly with insurance underwriters, not just through wholesalers who typically offer limited products and more rigid terms.

For Manufacturers and Suppliers

If you produce or manufacture bikes or bicycle-related products, MMA can help deliver the liability protection you need to keep your personal and business operations and finances safe.

For Bike Shop Owners

Many bike shop owners are insured by a modified Business Owners Policy (BOP). Unfortunately, the protections these provide often come up short when weighed against your real risks.

MMA’s bike shop-specific coverage delivers coverage for the risks that you’re likely to actually face.

For E-Bike Retailers

Trust us to help you navigate the insurance and risks associated with this new and growing segment.

The insurance side of this industry is complicated, and many insurers don’t totally understand the mechanics and risks involved. MMA has been working in this space for more than a decade and has built a national reputation.

NBDA LogoThe NBDA has been here since 1946, representing and empowering specialty bicycle dealers in the United States through education, communications, research, advocacy, member discount programs, and promotional opportunities. As shops are facing never-before-seen circumstances, these resources offer a lifeline. Together, we will weather this. We at the NBDA will not waver in our commitment to serving our members even during this challenging time—but we need your support.

Now is the time to become a member as we join together to make one another stronger. Whether you’re a retailer or an industry partner, your membership in the NBDA is one of the best investments you’ll make this year. 

Learn more about the benefits of being a member and join now.