Tag Archive for: bicycle dealer
NBDA Board Welcomes New Members
The National Bike Dealers Association (NBDA) is excited to announce the results of the March 2022 Board of Directors officer elections. 3 new members will be welcomed, along with 2 re-elects.
Retailer Insights From the 2022 BLC
We are happy to share with you a brief synopsis of our key takeaways for retailers from the conference.
NBDA Expands P2 Profitability Project Program for Retailers
The National Bicycle Dealers Association (NBDA) has expanded its P2 Profitability Project Program (P2), creating a fourth group for an additional set of retailers.
The Great Chargeback Surge of 2022
We are seeing many of our merchants who are experiencing chargebacks for the very first time after decades of business experience.
Maintain an Easy to Shop Navigation
With 85% of all purchases beginning with online engagement - bike shops are incentivized to have a well-merchandised and easy-to-shop website.
Leverage your POS data to increase profitability and build customer loyalty
SmartEtailing’s Retail Toolkit software is designed to help independent local bike shops like yours build a better business.
NBDA Bicycle Buying 2021 Consumer Research Study Identifies a New DTC Channel of Trade – The 20-Inch Urban eBike
The NBDA Consumer Research Study was the first to identify and call out the emergence and growth over the last two years of the new DTC channel of trade for bicycles and ebikes
NBDA Launches 2022 Bicycle Retailer Excellence Awards Featuring Reconstructed Application
Irvine, CA: The National Bicycle Dealers Association (NBDA) will officially open applications for its 2022 Bicycle Retailer Excellence Awards (BREA) program on February 18.
Selecting Insurance Limits – A Critical Responsibility
Canadian Insurance loss statistics indicate that the average property is underinsured by 30%! Under insuring can be an economical fatal mistake.
NBDA Consumer Research Shows Almost Half of Cyclists During the Pandemic Either Started or Returned During the Last Two Years!
“As we have announced previously, this is the first Primary Consumer research study of this size and scope done in the U.S. since 2014. It is conducted and presented by the NBDA with the research done by Sports Marketing Surveys, who will also provide their insights in the Research Report, with analysis of the research for NBDA members provided by Human Powered Solutions,” said Heather Mason, President of the NBDA in making the announcement.