Where Old School Meets New School- N+1 Cyclery
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Where Old School Meets New School- N+1 Cyclery
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This episode’s guest is Francisco Cornelio, lead mechanic, manager, dreamer, and creator at N+1 Cyclery and the N+1 vintage bicycle museum. N + 1 cyclery, located in Framingham, MA, was established in 2014. It isn’t your typical bicycle shop. The vibe is different. The attitude is different. They are old world and new school. They know that your bicycle isn’t just a bicycle, and they want to help you be whatever kind of rider you need to be. Listen in as Francisco shares his insight and unique tips.
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Where Old School Meets New School- N+1 Cyclery
Tue, 9/28
bicycle, bike, people, bike shop, store, shop, day, cisco, part, museum, customer, brand, ambassadors, inventory, retailers, advertising, business, wheels, friends, warehouse
Heather Mason, Francisco Cornelio, NBDA
NBDA 00:10
You are listening to bicycle retail radio brought to you by the National bicycle Dealers Association.
Heather Mason 00:16
Welcome to another episode of bicycle retail radio brought to you by the National bicycle Dealers Association. This is President Heather Mason. If you’re a first time listener, be sure to check out the previous episodes, do us a favor and leave a review. It helps members of our community, our industry find our podcast. Today’s episode brings in a dear friend of mine to share what his passion is, and more about the store that he calls home. I’m joined here by my longtime friend, lead mechanic manager dreamer and creator of n plus one cyclery and the n plus one vintage bicycle museum. Francisco Cornelia, for the blurb on n plus one cyclery, I’m going to steal it right off their website because it is so true. N plus one cyclery was established in 2014. They’re located in Framingham, Massachusetts, it isn’t your typical bicycle shop, the vibe is different. The attitude is different. They are old world and new school, they know that your bicycle isn’t just a bicycle, and they want to help you be whatever kind of rider you want to be. They understand the connection that people often have with their bicycles, and they respectfully guide you towards your goals, whatever they might be, when you go into the store, it feels like you’re in Europe, it totally just blows you away. And I’m so excited for the share that is about to go down. So without further ado, I want to get into the conversation. Welcome Cisco. It’s been way too long. How are you doing?
Francisco Cornelio 01:49
Well, thanks for having us, first of all, and so nice to hear your voice. And we do surprisingly well taking into account all what is going on with supplies in the world and is keep on testing us how serious we are, and keeping us the challenge to be healthy and keep the store healthy for others. So yeah, we’re doing well.
Heather Mason 02:14
I think of you and Tara every day, we have this bond, this connection for our viewers and listeners some background, Cisco and I work together when I was working for VIP, and we have not seen each other in months actually, maybe it’s been like a year now. We used to do. Yeah, it was counting. We used to do many events together with his community and the big brand. And we grow into a really great friendship. And when I was thinking of a shop to bring in onto the bicycle, retail radio in a shop that was truly unique. I thought right away about Cisco and reached out and thank you for agreeing to come on and share about what you do at n plus one cyclery I want to start with trying to give our listeners a mental image of the shop and a little bit more about the building. Could you do that?
Francisco Cornelio 03:07
Oh sure. Well, in 2014 It was a time of change for us. So it was time for us to turn it to start something together. And my passion to cycling and she knows how much I love that she said well you better do what you love the most. So that being said, with with buy a bike shop that went out of business simply with the cycles. They have the 400 square feet, the hole in the wall and then we organize it we bought all the inventory and everything and then we grew up to 100 square foot. Same building. Then that just happened that the landlord is a cyclist too. So we grew to 1200 square feet, taking over like a little bad cancer to the other business next to us. I feel sorry for them but hey, we need to grow. I felt like a snail looking for a bigger shell. So now we knock on wood I don’t want to jinx myself but we’re going to grow again to double the size a little nervous about it so we’ve finally we’re gonna start the museum.
Heather Mason 04:21
I love that I love that so when you pull up to n plus one cyclery so it’s on a main road easily accessible off the highway and when you pull up you’re just drawn into these this fabulous like window backlit so window displays flower boxes out front bicycles out front actually for sale as well. mostly used bikes outside Cisco has the Mini Cooper all you know what is it wrapped with the flow of the store. I mean it really catches your eye and it makes you want it pulls you in. I mean the flowers are tremendous. It’s just a really great curb appeal and when you get in this store you realize right away that it’s not your typical bicycle store. And I can say this as someone who visited the store for the first time and was like, What am I walking into. But once you get in there, I mean you can’t stop looking around. There’s little treasures everywhere. Have you renovated the building as you’re talking about this expansion, so you must have gone through several different iterations. Like,
Francisco Cornelio 05:24
I got to use a sledge hammer a few times to knock on some walls with permission of the landlord, of course, but a lot of people think we are not as big as we are. Because the front is not as big the presentation and the front is killed, but it doesn’t show we are who we are inside. So once they enter for the first time, their eyes don’t stop wandering. So it’s like a little wonderland of bicycles. We have bicycle from the 1860 all the way to today’s date, a lot of history a lot of has, you know, a lot of starting conversations we have a full library for people who wants to come in and check on their old bikes, catalogues, bicycle parts that are looking for other collection that they want to tweak in the weekend or winter we have all that information there. We keep adding more books all the time. So it’s a little library that is the sitting area you can make your own coffee you can bring your coffee sit there with I’m gonna bother you. We have to pick you out when we have to close Yes, but you can come the next day. Yeah, if you’re visiting don’t bring your own coffee. Cisco makes killer coffee so definitely make your coffee
Heather Mason 06:44
and a unique thing about the shop located on the Boston Marathon row. Is this correct? Cisco?
Francisco Cornelio 06:51
Yes, we are so far. Well, we’re gonna until now we are so far the only bike shop in the Boston Marathon routes. I believe Papa Willis is moving to Wellesley and I don’t know if they’re going to be right there on the route also in route 16. But so far we are the only one and we have a spoken contract with the organizers that we are a pit stop for the wheelchair competition. So we create this little pitstop like NASCAR so we can check on their wheels and air some tires and given a good push and go just a NASCAR style so it’s fun. We have barbecues we below the pool table we’ll just have fun since that is no traffic for us. might as well make a good day.
Heather Mason 07:44
Yes, I missed the one event that we were going to do I was so upset about it. Okay, let’s dive into the brands that you work with. Tell us a little bit about the brands that bicycle brands I guess
Francisco Cornelio 07:57
yeah the one that we legit deal with is starting with the grade and only tianqi as my favorite then we have the usual suspects like Jamie’s and gurnard and all the all the shops that all the other bikes that carried by our vendors like sun and sonar and then we move into the other things that we have acquired is the past two years two years almost now that we have find out a bicycle shop that went out of business so it just happened that day no loss and the other bike shop one approach to this opportunity but I had we have Tara night and we have bought all the inventory together with their bikes leftovers and everything so we have Gt ironhorse You name it, we have it. trikes specialize mostly new and some of them use so yeah, we carry a good selection. We have a lot I mean you do
Heather Mason 09:01
I was working with you.
Francisco Cornelio 09:04
Very lucky we were lucky we have enough inventory to hold us for a couple years now.
Heather Mason 09:09
And you sell everything from kids bikes to adult comfort bikes to single speed bikes to custom track bikes to road bikes I mean to full like xR for like top of the line electronics
Francisco Cornelio 09:23
or full cinelli gravels costume that come just like as you know they come just the frame so is elecard and sometimes I feel like I can put on myself a good selection of parts love company, Allah McCann, paniolo freak. So most of my bills are camping yellows, and then Shimano, when it’s available.
Heather Mason 09:47
You guys opened in 2014 and we have been talking about Tara a little bit, but we haven’t really told the listeners who Tara is so can you tell us more about Tara and like when you guys open what the vision of the store was?
Francisco Cornelio 10:00
Well Tara is my partner in life and my partner in business and she’s my boss she’s the owner of the shop and the manager on the flesh she is what I call the holy skeleton she’s want to keep the whole thing up without her and I will collapse so things so hurt and her support and all the long hours that I have to deal with she has to deal with in ease hopefully knock on wood is gonna pay off one day and we see the fruit we see some of the fruits coming out now we can see them which is have to let them ripen but she take care of all the paperwork and all the fields that artists like us with our hands and mechanics don’t want to deal with the business part so she’s she doesn’t like us too much but she knows that’s her part to keep this going. But yeah,
Heather Mason 10:52
truly a team effort like I know what is that you know working with the both of you just in tiny two hours so totally.
Francisco Cornelio 10:58
Well we laugh we laugh and cry.
Heather Mason 11:02
So the store tagline is where old school meets new school. Yeah, dive into that a little bit for us
Francisco Cornelio 11:10
well, we want to include everybody Cycling is for everybody, it won’t discriminate anybody. So it’s like a family when you bring your grandfather in landscaping situation like in events like that, that you have the old the teenagers and the very young ones so we want to cater to everybody that has a bicycle so that old school meaning collectors even though they’re so young collectors now but bicycles from the 1800s and turn of the century 19 hundred’s mid century that golden era to the second golden narrow, which is the seven days with a BMX and muscle bikes, and then the road bikes again and touring, so all school there, then the new school carbon fiber, titanium, and all the new technology with electronic and hydraulic brakes, which hydraulic brakes were invented back in the 1920s. But they didn’t take off. But it’s a lot of things that you learn from the store that you don’t know like fat tires were invented in 1910. But now we see like, Oh, it’s a little things, but it’s not the old school meets new schools, we take everything we’re not afraid to say we don’t say no, unless it’s a safety issue. That’s the only way we say no to any project.
Heather Mason 12:32
I love that. And I love that you’re all encompassing. And I can tell our listeners, there’s a couple days where I was in the store working actually working on bikes, like with the labor. And I’d be like, we’re doing something with this like in Cisco’s like, yep, we’re taking care of you. Or, like, everything, everything was accepted. And Cisco was like, we’re gonna find a way to help this person and get them roll. And again,
Francisco Cornelio 12:58
yeah, we have Walmart and Target nearby. So we see a lot of those bikes. And the same way we have the ortrud Xr fours and the pinarello O’s and the finales. And the BNC is coming for full tune up or overhauling, and we’ll take care of those two. So both sides of the both ends of the whole equation here, we take care
Heather Mason 13:21
of it. And there’s something like magical that happens in the shop, because you can have the person who rolled in, like this woman had like this really crazy old bike, and I think the frame was kind of bent. And you know, she’s in the store. And then the guy comes in to pick up as xR four. And everyone’s talking and everyone’s enjoying a conversation about cycling. And it’s the unique, like magic that could only happen, you know, myself. Yeah,
Francisco Cornelio 13:45
I remember that. That time she was showing off her old bike and he was showing off his new bike. So it was like magic going on there. Good. Great chemistry.
Heather Mason 13:54
Cisco. I want to stop for a hard moment and just talk about you for a second because I think when I was introduced to the shop originally Tara sent me a video and said check out this video that we made about Cisco. And you are or were are a pro cyclist. You wrote in a tour correct?
Francisco Cornelio 14:13
Where is the right word? Yeah, I don’t even know I don’t that haven’t shaved my legs in a long time. So pull started. I was eight years old discovered bicycle and start racing in the local velodrome in Dominican Republic. So for my birthday, I have my first road bike. My next birthday, I was nine years old. He was a G 10 midget 20 inch yellow racing bike. And that I still have is hanging off the ceiling and at the shop to remind me every day where I came from, why am I doing these words, the whole fever and journaling status so that every day I say well, I am a little kid and didn’t have a good relationship with my dad. So it was a good excuse to go out there and disappear for eight hours and come back and then have to deal with him so because of him I thank him in the same time that he got me into this business and career then one day in the age of 18 I was a scalp by us members of the US cycling Association and again nice contract with a local teams here in us in after being Semi Pro and rookie I became a Icelandic contract as a domestic to go to Europe so you include the tour degiro a lot of small plastic like one day classics and he kicked my butt every single time but yeah, he’s still having some shaking in my I wake up shaking some time from the parish Roubaix but you know, that’s just still there.
Heather Mason 15:53
That’s awesome. I mean, it’s your passion for the bicycle is evident and I know the bike hanging in the store I love that story that it you can see it and it reminds you but I want to talk about the store and I want to talk about how I mean you have so many like hard to find one of a kind I remember actually calling you a couple times saying I have this customer is looking for this, can you help us find it? Tell us how you work with vendors and suppliers and curate your inventory.
Francisco Cornelio 16:18
Well that is the whole fun of it. That’s the whole one of the most is my top five reason why we are open is to find these parts. When I was a kid I wanted to be archaeologists. So this is the closest I can be to be an archaeologist is to find his rare parts from somewhere dust it off, shine it up on here’s these tie racks bicycle that you were asking for. So my I have my experience in Europe living in Europe. I built a lot of bridges there then racing cating in Asia, in Japan, I have a lot of good friends there that they own bike shops, some of them are collectors now they retire from their shops all I have to do is to give them a call shot the little and say hey, do you have these campaign yalow Super record whatever this year then they will come up and say yeah, I have the whole group. What do you need and they’ll send it. I have one guy that it can find the CD shoes that there was a special edition no even CD USA could get it for them because it was only available in England so I got my friend that owns a b&b in the Alps in France. A very good friend of mine she traveled to England all the time for business she kept issues there she got it to friends and she sent it to me this guy right now I never met him until two weeks ago. He’s from Texas is MSDN and he finally made it to Massachusetts and we had that greatest damage the shop said for the first time he’d been doing business with me for the past three years. We never met before until now Wow.
Heather Mason 17:59
I love those stories I love so I feel like your unique inventory must just allow you to have customers from all over the US like and I know you’re
Francisco Cornelio 18:10
heavy only the US I get phone calls from South America from the Caribbean for the West Indies sometimes from Europe itself about so American made parts like polls in older brands American industries classic parts I have some parts of those so they get in touch with me as I on the same I get in touch with them.
Heather Mason 18:32
So you mentioned that you’re doing really well with like inventory because you were able to buy out a store that was going out of business but I know you focus on used bikes as well and even on your website it says consignments and trade ends you get many takers and use bikes and how are you finding used bike?
Francisco Cornelio 18:50
Well no no with a bike shortage going on. And most bike shops, they don’t have bicycles, maybe a little choices of bicycles below $1,000 is hard for a family of five to buy $1,000 bike or a $600 bike for a kid that is 10 or 12 is not going to compete or anything like that. So the training program has added another chapter. another level of our inventory which is like you can trading your old bike or any old bike, even if it’s a crappy bike for a new bike. So that will go to our inventory. 75% of that profit for that use buy goes to the museum funding. Another thing is that consignment one, people cleaning their attic. Some of the people that kids are no longer home anymore than college so when they clean up their garage that is a helping to they named brains we know that bike is coming from it’s not stolen. We know the history we know how to contact them if anything happened so we give up overhaul everything guarding To the price and we sell and they get their cut. That’s it. Yeah, they don’t have to deal with the eBay or quick sleeves or
Heather Mason 20:07
anything. It makes it easy for the customer and easy for you to you know, have additional bikes to offer. Any other ways you’re sourcing used bikes, I just feel like this is such an important thing that retailers have a
Francisco Cornelio 20:19
main brand namebrand bytes, they use bytes that we don’t get through those two programs we get and also through bike to Styria bite to series a program that they same bicycle all over the war affected areas in the world to kids that want to go to school, or the ones a little freedom that there’s no much more but there’s a lot of poverty, they have to walk five miles to go to school, they get a bicycle and those five mile become a fun hour for them. You know, and exercise keeping in shape and things like that is a form of transportation, basic transportation, they can carry water, now they can put the water tank on top of the bike and roll it instead of carrying it. I mean, we’re talking kids 10 years old, 11 years old, and they’re happy, you can contact me if you want more information on them. So you can donate your bikes, your winter bike and my exchange with them is to I supply them with tools and parts. They sometime they are in need of tubes or brake cables or wheels or tires. So I supply them with us. When they exchange I get to pick which bikes I consider they are good qualities so I can resell them for I can feed them see I’m funding.
Heather Mason 21:30
That’s an excellent thing. So that’s like for Syria. I didn’t know you did that. But actually, maybe I did. Maybe I saw some pictures of some, some things you’ve done. It’s really important to be involved in charities and your community. And there’s so much that I want to talk about and I’m thinking about community and I’m thinking about when we were working with a big Dharma program, and that you had an ambassador at the store promoting your brand or promoting your shop and promoting your brand. And we did all these events. Can you speak a little on that on how you’re working to engage your community with different events
Francisco Cornelio 22:04
that you have going on? Right now we have two ambassadors we used to have three ginger hell was one of them that she’s no longer with us. She move on. We have Scott and Caroline and there are two local triathletes Scott is more than the beginner cutter line is the mom with his beginning of triathlon. So it’s perfect they bring the advertise our store in many many levels from repairs to sales for consignment program for the trading program. And it’s a constant customers new customers come in with their names in their mouth like dice cuts and the cutter line semi in this year the passion with bicycles and they start discovering bicycles and they being great and I treat them they get free tune up so to their bikes, I get their bikes ready for the race they get I treat them like employees, they get the employee discount. A lot of people want to join but I read right peachy, you will have to win my heart first.
Heather Mason 23:05
Yeah, it’s been a tough as a rock, then you need to be this is a thing that I think retailers really struggle with. We you know, we know the value of ambassadors, but we want to be certain that we’re having really good people out there because they are representing you know, in this case, n plus one cyclery. And you need people who are going to be really approachable, it’s a hard thing,
Francisco Cornelio 23:26
right? The rule is you have to you have to bring 20 sales a month. Regardless, the value is 20 people walking to that door, it could be repeated, it is fine. He comes, but 20 underneath each. So that’s 40 customer a month. And now sometimes they come multiple times or more, but that’s the minimum. And they have Excel that number. I remember
Heather Mason 23:53
you know, being at the shop, you know, I was hanging out with you and seeing you know, back at the time, I think Scott was an ambassador then come into the shop and just hang out and just be part of any event we did they were always there. And that speaks volumes. So you want your ambassadors to really support you. It shouldn’t be excuses, right? It should be like what can I help you? What can I
Francisco Cornelio 24:15
exactly why can they give Thank you. I’m giving something back. So Scott comes in and he fixed some bikes. He comes with his son, he’s 13. Now he wants to be part of the team too. So he’s learning so mechanic works and he’s very excited and mountain biking. So he gets his discount. I’m not allowed to pay him but he helps around the shop cleaning and greeting customers and he’s our little pet over there. Pet Shop.
Heather Mason 24:45
I want to roll into the way you communicate with community and customers. I know you’re super active on social media, I honestly I need to give you alone probably props for helping me build the big brand in New England. I mean with your support. With your posting, now Cisco, you have a way that really connects and really resonates and your message is loud and clear. So I want I’m hopeful you can share some of your tips with other retailers like how you gain such a following your posts are different, they’re unique. Give us some tips, any pro tips, could you boil it down? Yeah,
Francisco Cornelio 25:21
I can say be honest and sell what you like and what you experienced with no, because it’s sell don’t sell things just to sell it, you have to sell things and believe in the product that you’re selling. And in terms of social media, my background in advertising I data advertising for 20 years, and I taught appetising pour it three or four years and that taught me You have to make a lot of noise and that’s what the bicycle industry needs I don’t see brands advertising they depend on the bike shop and the bike shop sometimes or most of the time they don’t have the capability or the expertise of advertising the rave role so you need an expert on that you need a team on brands you need a team have an advertising team for podcasts or an enticing and then local newspaper or local radio or used to be like that back in the 80s and 90s so you see a lot of advertising launches to the to the friends viewing but in the regular radio or newspaper you see an ad few see old newspapers you see rally and Rouge and you know all kinds of brains so I’m trying to bring that back in digital so I make as many noise as I can I make we make our own ads in house keeping yourself in the guides of the brain and trying to reach and tag as many people because once you reach one is going to reach to it’s going to reach George which three and you let it happen is a domino effect and I love doing it is fun
Heather Mason 27:00
It is true it’s not you know we see some retailers will share a picture of you know a kid on a bike and that’s fine but your messages everything I feel like you’re sharing on social is wrapped around in presented in a way that the n plus one logo is there it’s got your color so it might be the image of the person on the bike but it’s surrounded by the green and the orange and your message and whatever it might be or if it’s a Christmas promotion it’s all in the same like theme so every time you see it you know exactly where it’s coming from even if you don’t read the words that go along with it which we’re hoping people do but you know I think there’s something to that like you know maybe that’s what you’re referring to when you’re talking about your cohesive marketing plan.
Francisco Cornelio 27:42
People don’t read much he has to be mostly visual and they have to be consistent some bike shop I notice they start well of advertising oh we sold this one and they have the picture with the version who had the new bike but then you don’t see months passed by they don’t post anything I pass every single one that is sold us a new part and dwell or whatever is a family picture is part of the family they give you your money you put that picture and he got the derailleur at a tire or whatever. And people that don’t know you know that you have that the router and that tired and they gonna reach out to you.
Heather Mason 28:22
Yeah, let’s talk about You’re making me think about oh my god, the pictures you post when people buy a new Bianca they get a bottle of champagne. It’s like $1,000 now
Francisco Cornelio 28:37
you get a gym pay model, you know to be 21 or no
Heather Mason 28:41
i think i think we opened one of those one day when I was there we had to make
Francisco Cornelio 28:48
Yeah, yeah for one Carlos with that.
Heather Mason 28:50
Yeah. So Alright, so I’m thinking back to the bicycle retailer Excellence Awards, which you applied and won this year. Thank you for that. That’s a nice
Francisco Cornelio 28:58
surprise. Okay, thank you. I’m very humbled. I still tickling about it.
Heather Mason 29:05
Yeah, and part of that application did take into account how often you post like you were saying you have to post often stay active on social media keep your message fresh and clean. And then you know something else that was part of that award was responding to people when they reply to you or if someone says do you have that in a size medium? You know, responding you always do I noticed that like even if someone leaves your review, good or bad, you respond so
Francisco Cornelio 29:32
well you have a responsibility of communication. If you don’t communicate that people think you’re dead and you’re no longer in business in today’s environment, so you make them feel that they dealing with a human being not just a machine and automatic thing. So I go very personal with people, right good or bad. I don’t care. You know, they can no fire me. I can always find them. I’m very happy with the response. I’m very happy for the one stars, because it made me look of how can I approach differently next time, even though I take some blame of some, but most of it, they have summary too. And I don’t let them go any further, just pure to teach them that they need to respect our industry, we are at the same level of car mechanics, and all their evolved mechanics, doctors, we save life every single day, if we don’t fix that break, they’re going to kill themselves. So they don’t realize how important we are until the bite breaks. So we’re going to keep them alive, keep those wheel rolling, that’s our responsibility. Some of them you have to hit him in the back of the head sometime, to remind them. Yeah,
Heather Mason 30:49
that is such an accurate statement. I really appreciate you reminding us of that, you know, you do tell it like it is. And I noticed when I was in the store one day, that just your phone skills kind of picked up on you, I just want to, you know, constantly are having, you know, conversations with retailers about how to train their staff or how to do things better. And I noticed your phone skills was 100% problem solving. So you introduce yourself you got personal right away, but it was quick. And then it was like what do you need and driven and the person I think who would call you that day was in the phone, you know, in the store in an hour placing a deposit on a bike, I think he said you didn’t have the bike in the store. But you said I have this in my warehouse and you said my warehouse and we’re looking up the Bianchi inventory, but you were calling it your warehouse and you took ownership for that sale and you made that customer, your customer
Francisco Cornelio 31:46
we have access to more than 700 warehouses. And that’s our warehouse that’s the Yankee Jamie’s Fuji in TVP and jnb HLC all of them those our warehouses, they work for us They are our suppliers therefore, we have access to that equipment the customer doesn’t need to know where the part is the customer need to know when the part is going to be put on their bikes so they can ride they don’t need to know every single details what’s going on behind the scene. It’s nice to be crystal clear of what’s going on with the industry right now. So they have an understanding and have patience waiting for the parts but they need to know solutions. They calling you because they have a problem. We need to supply them solutions. If we don’t have the solution. We don’t just hang up. I said well, you can go there is a guy’s specialty on daddy pepper wheelies or Landry’s or ex Harry cyclery. recipes. And Farina, I’m not there to compete and they are to make sure that person has those wheels turning and they come back because you were honest with them. Maybe they didn’t get what they needed from our shop, but I guide them and they went and got what they needed somewhere else but they come in back happens every time.
Heather Mason 33:15
Yeah, I mean, I can attest we did a we do a holiday party in the area for Bianchi bicycles, and the brand is cycling in general. And we have you know, people from other stores coming you know, a true community. And you know, even with demo bikes, you went over to wheelworks one day and picked one up and everyone really working collectively to just get more people on bikes and make a better experience
Francisco Cornelio 33:39
the demo day the factory I went there to help. Yeah, it doesn’t matter. That’s how I grew up is a family. So we got question I will have family members, but this is still a family.
NBDA 33:56
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Heather Mason 34:08
Alright, so let’s just roll in to the vintage bicycle museum. So Another fun fact about n plus one is that there is a brewery across the street that we love. And we did an actual vintage bicycle show there once but I want to just talk a little bit about the vintage bicycle museum and tell us what it is and how you operate that in addition to the store,
Francisco Cornelio 34:33
the creation The first thing about the bike shop the n plus one cyclery he was created open with the idea of we don’t one investors with one people giving us free money to feed my dream is my dream to have a bicycle museum. So we created that to become the base of the bike museum after racing in Europe and some part of suffering Make friends abroad Asia I fell in love with the culture with the emotion that people have with their bikes, the attachment, the history, the simplicity of a bicycle. That is still to today’s day the simplest man made machine ever that is in full motion. It didn’t die down with a dinosaur she is just still going. It’s still going the same chain the same pedal the same brakes. It doesn’t matter how you picture it is a bike and you need the balance, balance help you the brain is all a whole motion. So the vintage bike I fell in love in Europe and I need to bring that to the United States I needed they needed there’s a few museums there’s one in Pittsburgh, bicycle Heaven, great place to go I recommend to go there is more a candidate that you can even dream of. So that’s my daddy. I want to be like them when I grow up. So they own the whole warehouse is crazy googling and I want to bring something to the community to the northeast something history something that the North is so forgotten if it was the maker of bicycles back in the 1900s and the beginning of the 1900s of factories, even Framingham has his own factories of bicycles and wheels and people don’t know that and they don’t know who even Mayor Taylor is so I go to a little history I have one of 13 Mayer Taylor bikes and he was given to him in Australia when he went in 1901 to compete against their Australian champion and I have one of those things and displays on the shop you’re more than welcome to come by I tell you the story we have all the books that was written about him including one of his copies original copy 1928 his original version we have one so very well written and fun to be you can stay as long as you want to read it they are no you cannot take it home is my so the whole museum is we take care bicycles from we have bicycle from the 1860 so far as the oldest we have all the way to today’s date. So we have everything in between terrain painting for the women’s by trikes in value space that’s why we need a bigger space bigger space my bike when I was growing up though that it’s
Heather Mason 37:33
a collection I mean you know the refurbishment to get the bikes looking the way they do are you still adding there’s still some pieces that you’re looking for like you always have your eyes kind of out there for certain bites
Francisco Cornelio 37:43
I have about 45 frames that they need parts and they all get in the little bin with parts that I get here and there sometime I will get up at two o’clock in the morning and jump into eBay and find a few in Indonesia or somewhere then that they get shipped so every week is Christmas week in the bike shop so it’s always packages coming from all over the world South America Asia, Western Eastern Europe Africa everywhere we get packages from we try to disinfect them a little bit from COVID but is there I think by the time they arrive they already clear from COVID is funded you don’t know what you’re going to open them fine and in which condition and how these pieces survive and sometime I’m cleaning apart and says if I feel the person who made it or put it together I feel that spirit I get goosebumps and yes I’m taking care of that part that you put together and you’re the sign Are you created is going back to our bicycles is going to come to life again, you’re not that to us. So it’s all very emotional, I want to leave something behind when I’m out of here. And something that that people can rely to remember the history of the best machine men ever invented.
Heather Mason 39:00
It’s a really big deal like so when I used to work for Eddie marks I went to Belgium and there is any marks like museum there and so you’re like walking around and looking at everything. I don’t think you can actually get like the feeling the impression of the motor one day on in to this. And I remember the vintage bicycle show you know I knew that you had a museum and you know some of the bikes are on display in the store. You see them all so catalog catalogued and categorized and you even go down to the accessories on each one you know to really like it’s tremendous, everyone needs experience.
Francisco Cornelio 39:40
It has to be I have bicycles that there are no welded they’re bolted for their own reasons which to know those reasons you have to come to the shop so I can explain to you why.
Heather Mason 39:51
That is another thing if you’re going to go visit Cisco give yourself like I mean I could never get out and like an hour to next
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