Don’t Let Your Customer Walk Out that Door Empty Handed with Bike Leasing: A New Opportunity for Retailers

Join us for an insightful webinar presented by the NBDA in conjunction with Ryan Fishel, CEO of The Sweet Spot Bike Leasing. Discover how offering leasing services can benefit your bike shop by attracting new customers and adding revenue to your bottom line. Learn about the growing trend of e-bike leasing, the advantages it offers for both retailers and customers, and how you can integrate this option into your sales pipeline. With real-world examples and expert insights, this webinar will equip you with the knowledge to capitalize on this innovative purchasing option.

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NBDA LogoThe NBDA has been here since 1946, representing and empowering specialty bicycle dealers in the United States through education, communications, research, advocacy, member discount programs, and promotional opportunities. As shops are facing never-before-seen circumstances, these resources offer a lifeline. Together, we will weather this. We at the NBDA will not waver in our commitment to serving our members even during this challenging time—but we need your support.

Now is the time to become a member as we join together to make one another stronger. Whether you’re a retailer or an industry partner, your membership in the NBDA is one of the best investments you’ll make this year. 

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